Wisdom Teeth Removal

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One of the major milestones in our mouth takes place between the ages of 17 and 25, when our wisdom teeth erupt. Wisdom teeth are our third and toughest molars and are named so because they appear at a more mature age.

When wisdom teeth emerge properly, they can help us in chewing. However, more often, these teeth can lead to problems if there is not enough space in your mouth to hold them or if they grow at an angle. This means your wisdom teeth are impacted and can result in a number of problems.

Problems with Wisdom Teeth
If your third set of molars is causing you problems, we may recommend getting wisdom teeth removal in Saskatoon. Some issues relating to wisdom teeth include:

  • Pain if the wisdom tooth becomes stuck beneath your gums.
  • If your wisdom tooth comes through at an angle, it may damage the nerve of your second molar on its way up or increase the risk of infection there.
  • Partially erupted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean as they cannot be easily accessed by your toothbrush or dental floss. Because of this, wisdom teeth are at a high risk of decay.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth can increase your risk of developing an inflammatory gum condition called pericoronitis.
  • An impacted wisdom tooth can form a cyst within the jawbone. This cyst can fill with pus that can damage the gums, jawbone, and nerves in the area.

Removal of Wisdom Teeth in Saskatoon
Most of the time, impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed. The process involves numbing the affected area with local anesthesia. People who suffer from anxiety may need to be sedated during the procedure.

During the extraction, our dentists will make an incision in your gums and remove any bone structure to expose the wisdom tooth completely. Your tooth will then be split so it can be removed easily, particularly if it is growing at an angle. The wound will then be sutured closed and the tooth will be allowed to heal.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a painless procedure and you will be allowed to go home immediately after the procedure. Once the anesthesia wears off, though, you may feel some pain and experience bleeding. Before that happens, we will recommend that you take some over-the-counter painkillers to manage the discomfort.

If your wound is bleeding, take a piece of gauze or cotton, place it on the wound and bite down firmly on it. You may also suffer from some swelling in your mouth. To ease it, place a cold compress to the side of your face.

In less common cases, some people may experience:

  • A painful dry socket, which can develop if the blood clot is prematurely lost or dislodged from the wound.
  • Damage to the nerve, which can cause a tingling or numbing sensation in your jaw.
  • Infection in the socket from food particle or bacteria trapped in the wound.

If you are experiencing a painful wisdom tooth, we can examine your mouth and discuss a treatment plan with you. To schedule a visit with us, call us at +1-306-933-2114 today.